Social Media Round-up of the Week – 11 February
- Social Media
Welcome back to our weekly instalment of what’s hot in the world of social media. In case you missed what happened over the past week, here’s our top five and don’t forget – if you see anything that really impresses you, why not let us know by emailing on Perhaps your suggestion will make the cut next week:
1. Superbowl is the most checked into venue on Foursquare with a record 200,000 check-ins.
2. Great infographic, right, showing a breakdown of Linkedin users
3. New ‘Life Caching’ trend catches on with this latest platform from MyHistro. Life caching is collecting, storing and displaying your whole life; think of it like Foursquare on steroids.
4. Storify takes citizen journalism to the next level, with social media updates creating online stories. Could this be a foretaste of how journalism is changing because of social media?
5. The demographic of Facebook and Twitter users compared.