Social Media Digest – Oreo takes the biscuit, Facebook friendship gets serious and more
- Social Media
Super bowl blackout is hijacked by quick thing brands
Last Sunday was the 47th Superbowl, which if you didn’t already know is the annual end of season show piece of the American Football season in America. It is as you would expect an all singing all dancing extravaganza, one of the key events associated with the Superbowl are the adverts where brands spend big and go big, an ad this year was said have to cost around $4 million for a 30 second slot.
This year however a lengthy power cut gave a few quick thinking brands an opportunity to hi jack the social buzz around the event. When the dust had settled on The Baltimore Ravens victory, the talk had turned to an Oreo advert which simply read “You can still dunk in the dark”. Oreo had managed to steal the limelight from the big brands spending big bucks. So well done to Oreo.
Can you live off social media alone?
Can you live off just social media for a year? That is the quest of Zach Bussey, living off advertisements and product reviews via his blog Zach has lost ten pounds in weight but is doing well so far. He budgeted $12,000 to pay for rent and Internet, and then rather bizarrely he emptied his apartment of all its contents. We will be keeping an eye out for how this goes for Zach and if we need to alert the red cross to send him emergency food packages.
Do you dare unfriend on Facebook
Would you purposely avoid someone in real life who had unfollowed you on Facebook? A new survey in America has revealed that almost half of users surveyed would avoid “De-frienders” ( I just made a word up I think) if they saw them in public. Christopher Sibona who led the study said ‘Since it’s done online there is an air of unreality to it but in fact there are real life consequences. We are still trying to come to groups as a society on how to handle elements of social media.’ So choose your friends wisely and if that fails, avoid them.
Brazil is the the social media capital of the world
“A recent study found that Latin America’s online population grew faster than any other global region in 2011, rising 15 percent to 129.3 million visitors in December 2011. The number of searches in 2011 increased 38 percent to more than 21 billion in December. With an average of 173 searches per searcher, Latin America leads the globe in search frequency” Brazil has been highlighted as a key area of growth in social media, Twitter recently set up a Sao Paulo office and all statistics point toi an escalating growth in South America.
Twitter buys social media monitoring tool
Twitter has announced the purchase of Blue Fin Labs, specializing in the capture of date from second screen smartphone users whilst they watch their favourite shows. A similar concept to the arrangement that Nielson, the TV viewership company has with twitter where they use the micro blogging site to measure online buzz to partner there viewership statistics.
And finally – New monopoly piece
The Internet voted for a cat…….go figure.