Two CIPR Excellence Awards For Leeds-Based PR Agency
- PR
This morning we found out that Umpf had been nominated for two, national CIPR Excellence Awards – we are the only PR agency in Leeds to receive a nomination. It follows our CIPR Excellence Award last year for the UK’s Best Social Media campaign.

This year’s two nominations are for Best Consumer PR Campaign and Outstanding Small Consultancy. Here’s a snapshot of the consumer PR entry:
Umpf: Best Consumer PR Campaign
Our entry was for our cooking client, Stoves and our ‘Made in Britain’ consumer PR campaign – promoting a relatively small cooker brand’s return to 100% British manufacturing was not an obvious broadcast news story. However, we produced a creative consumer and B2B PR campaign which achieved not just Sky News (see below) and Channel 4 News (see below) broadcast coverage – and most UK newspapers, including a page lead in the FT – but was adopted by the Labour party and was instrumental in a Queen’s Award for Enterprise for our client.
From a position of being entirely unknown for its British-made products, Stoves is now seen as one of the UK’s key British manufacturers and is indelibly linked to the Made in Britain message.
The awards take place on Monday 3 June 2013 at The London Hilton on Park Lane.